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Rimu Team

The focus in the Rimu Team is Mauitanga - being creative, curious and having lots of fun

Nau mai, Haere mai!

The focus in the Rimu Team is Mauitanga - being creative, curious and having lots of fun. We have a regular time which we call Discovery in which students are encouraged to mix between our classrooms to create, explore and spend time together. 

We encourage our learners to be independent and self-managing. We offer lots of support to our learners so they can grow to their full potential. 

We have some exciting trips and events throughout the year and really appreciate parent help. We also really encourage whānau to come in and visit our classrooms. The link between home and school is super important to us. 

We value open communication so if you ever have any questions, please get in touch with your child’s classroom teacher.  

rimu Team Teachers

Paula Christian

​​Rimu Team Leader
Room 3, Year 2 / 3
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Evelyn Perry

Room 4, Year 2 / 3
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Erin Vennell

Room 5, Year 2/3
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