Enrolment FAQ
Thank you for your interest in enrolling at Winchester School Te Kura o Te Haonui. We are incredibly proud of our school and what makes it special.
Each school has a slightly different enrolment process, and we want to make the process at Winchester School as clear as possible. The questions and answers below should help you understand our procedures.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to us directly. We're happy to provide answers and add them here to assist future parents and whānau.
Please fill out the pre-enrolment form. This will let us know some basic details so that we can add your child to our pre-enrol list. You will need to prove that you live inside the school zone (see below for the types of documents we need to see). In the term before your child turns 5, the teacher overseeing the transition to school process will be in touch to organise visits and other important starting school information. You can read more information about this process here
Please fill out the pre-enrolment form. This will let us know some basic details so that we can add your child to our pre-enrol list for an out of zone ballot. We schedule 4 ballots throughout the year for out of zone enrolments, the dates of which you can find here. Enrolment is not guaranteed, it depends if there is any space, at what year level and then if your child’s name gets pulled out of the hat.
If you are offered a place of enrolment and you accept it, in the term before your child starts, the teacher overseeing the transition to school process will be in touch to organise visits and other important starting school information. You can read more information about this here.
Please fill out the pre-enrolment form. This will let us know some basic details so that we can get the process underway. Come into the school office or email your documents (listed below) and once your right to enrol at Winchester School Te Kura o Te Haonui is confirmed, we will be in touch with everything you need to know about starting school.
Refer to the answer above for out of zone 5 year olds.
- A copy of the eligibility document for your child. This can be either:
- NZ birth certificate or NZ passport (if NZ citizen)
- Australian passport (if Australian citizen) or
- NZ residency permit or NZ student visa/permit and Parental work permit (if the child is not a NZ citizen).
- Proof of your address (if in zone e.g., utilities bill, rental/sales agreement).
- Immunisation certificate
- A copy of any Court Order Documents (if applicable)
Yes absolutely! This will enable us to share what drives learning at our school and provide the opportunity for you to ask us your burning questions. Please do not hesitate to contact the school office to make an appointment with one of the leadership team to show you around.
No we do not. However, we are on a journey to move from Level 5 (Less than 3 hours) to Level 4b (At least 3 hours) per week.
No we don’t, apart from a Winchester School hat which needs to be worn when outside during Term 1 and 4. Students can wear any bucket hat but you can also purchase an Winchester School Te Kura o Te Haonui hat from the school office for $18.
There are also school hoodies that the PTA organise for purchasing as a fundraiser.
Yes, we have Launch Pad that is held during lunch times on a Friday and is opt in.
We use 3 apps to support home school communication and administration.
Hero – School wide notices, events calendar, student absences, permission slips etc are part of the Hero app. HERO is also your go to app for reporting progress on learning, class placements and up to date finance information. Need to connect to HERO? Find out how here.
Seesaw – Day to day learning posts and reminders are shared and communicated through the Seesaw Family app. Your child’s teacher will provide you with a QR Code login to your child’s Seesaw account.
myKindo – This is our app for all school finances, lunch orders and sports/activity sign-up. Find out more here.
We sort all stationery and charge it to your Kindo account.
School Donation – This is a voluntary payment to support the school and help boost the school’s finances and bridge the gap between the funding we receive from the Government and what we want to achieve as a school. This enables us to provide additional opportunities and resources for your child and the school. Donations are set at $160 per student or $180 for a family. Donations are payable through myKindo.
Sports Fees – If your child plays sport for a Winchester School Te Kura o Te Haonui team this will typically involve paying a registration fee. We pay this fee on your behalf to the organising sporting body. These sports will usually be summer and winter hockey, netball, summer soccer and basketball. Sports fees are payable through myKindo when registering your child for a sport.
Out Of Zone Application – To express your interest in your child attending Winchester School Te Kura o Te Haonui you first need to fill in the pre-enrolment form.
Full Enrolment – When your eligibility to enrol is confirmed, we will send you a link to the full online enrolment form integrated into Hero.
Digital Citizenship Agreement – You will also need to complete the Digital Citizenship Agreement form.
Medication – If your child takes regular medication e.g. asthma, or short course medicine e.g. antibiotics, please come into the office and fill out a medicine authority form.
EOTC - For trips that are within the boundaries of Palmerston North we ask for a blanket permission for the year. For longer trips or with more risks involved, there will be separate forms and permissions that need to be approved.
If there is any question not asked/answered, please get in touch directly for the answer and then we can also add it in here for future parents and whānau.
Ngā mihi, Winchester School Te Kura o Te Haonui staff.