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Term Dates and School Information

  • Term Dates 2025

    Term 1: 30 Jan - 11 April
    Term 2: 28 April - 27 June
    Term 3: 14 July - 19 Sept
    Term 4: 6 Oct - 16 Dec

    Teacher Only Days 2025

    Term 1

    • Friday 7th February  - Maths Curriculum Day

    Term 3

    • Friday 15 August 
    • Monday 18 August

    Term Dates 2026

    Term 1: TBD
    Term 2: TBD
    Term 3: TBD
    Term 4: TBD

    Teacher Only Days 2026

    Tuesday TBD
    Friday TBD
    Monday TBD

    Upcoming Events

  • Start of Year Info
    • Thursday 30th January - First day of classes for everyone from 8:55am.
    • Our Mihi Whakatau is at 9am to welcome all new kaimahi (staff), ākonga (learners), and whānau (families).
    • Thursday 6th February Waitangi Day School Closed
    • Friday 7th January Teacher Only Day School Closed

    Mihi Whakatau

    We always start the new school year with a full school Mihi Whakatau to welcome all of our new kaimahi (staff), ākonga (learners), and whānau (families) to our school. This will take place shortly after 9am on Thursday 30th of January. Everyone is welcome.

    New Parent & Whānau Induction Meeting

    Immediately after our Mihi Whakatau we invite all parents and whānau to the staffroom for some kai (food) and a cup of tea. When we have finished out kai we run an information packed session for new families and answer any question you have about our school.

    Learning Conferences

    These are all set to go for the 27th of February 2025. You will need to book a slot for your child/ren in the Hero app or in Hero online. You will receive a notification when bookings are open.

    If you are new to Winchester School or not yet connected to Hero, please contact your child’s teacher, or phone the school office, to book in your Learning Conference.

    Overview of Reporting Structure

    At Winchester School Te Kura o Te Haonui, our reporting process is designed to foster strong relationships, keep learners at the center, and prioritise learner progress. The overall structure of our reporting policy includes:

    • Term 1: Initial Learning Conferences focused on relationship building and goal setting.
    • Term 2: Community Open Days and mid-term written reports to provide a snapshot of progress.
    • Term 3: Learning Conferences centered around student-led or three-way discussions and assessment chats.
    • Term 4: End-of-year written reports summarising overall achievement and progress.

    School Apps

    Hero: School wide notices, events calendar, student absences, permission slips etc will be part of the Hero app. HERO is also your go to app for reporting progress on learning, booking conferences and class placements. Need to connect to Hero? 

    Seesaw: Day to day learning posts and reminders will continue to be communicated through the Seesaw Family app. Your child’s teacher will provide you with a QR Code login to your child’s Seesaw account, or send an email invitation.

    myKindo: You will also need to have the myKindo app on your phone, or access your myKindo account via the web. Kindo is the platform you use for all student related finances and payments from sausage sizzles, sports teams and  to school donations. Find out more here.


    School hats are compulsory in Term 1 & Term 4. Any bucket hat is acceptable. There are no other uniform requirements.

    School Lunches

    You can buy lunch for your child through the Ezlunch service (part of myKindo). Need myKindo? Get sorted here. Lunch can be purchased for Thursdays each week.

    • Subway
    • Sushi
    • PTA Lunches


    Your child’s class will have 2-3 swimming sessions each week. Your child’s teacher will share their weekly swimming timetable with you. Pool keys are also available to purchase over the summer holiday break. Inquire at the school office if you are interested.

    If you have any questions or need some help just get in touch with your child’s teacher. Email is the best way to connect with them. Email address are on the Staff page on our website.


    All student stationery has been ordered by the school and this has been sent directly to school. Your child's Kindo account will be charged the fee as below and needs to be paid before school starts.
    Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or queries.

  • 8:30am - Classrooms are opened

    8.55am - Learning Block 1 

    10:50am - Morning Tea Break/Play

    11:10am - Morning Tea Kai

    11:20am - Learning Block 2

    12:50pm - Lunch Break/Play

    1:30pm - Lunch Kai

    1:40pm - Learning Block 3

    3pm - School ends

  • School Interviews are now all booked through the HERO app. Please log into your HERO app to book a Learning Conference. 

  • Laureen King

    Year 1 / 2, Room 1

    Amanda Duckett

    Year 1 / 2, Room 2

    Paula Christian

    Year 2 / 3, Room 3
    and ​​Rimu Team Leader

    Evelyn Perry

    Year 2 / 3, Room 4

    Erin Vennell

    Year 2/3, Room 5

    Karen Gilmore

    Year 1 / 2, Room 6

    Felicity Harper-Quayle

    Year 1/2, Room 7

    Ashleigh Purkiss

    Year 1 / 2, Room 8

    Marie Morgan

    Year 0, Room 9

    Matthew Bolton

    Year 4 / 5. Room 10

    Hamish Mackay

    Year 4/5, Room 11

    Matt Murphy

    Year 4 / 5, Room 12

    Sophie Lyall

    Year 4 / 5, Room 13
    and ​Kauri Team Leader

    Viv Storrier

    Year 6, Room 14
    Kauri Team Co-Leader

    Sio Ikenasio

    Year 6, Room 15

    Linda Hughes

    ​Tier 2 Learning Support 
    Specialist ORS Teacher

    Nic Mason

    Tumuaki / Principal

    Kate Marshall

    Deputy Principal - Leader of Learning

    Maree Woods

    Deputy Principal - SENCO

    Rebecca Meade

    Librarian / Resource Manager


Our ākonga/students will value healthy relationships and build strong bonds with each other and a sense of belonging through the shared experience of working and learning together with others.


Uplifting the mana of fellow ākonga/students through kindness, generosity, support, caring and respect for others.

Kotahitanga (Unity)

Everyone working together for the benefit of all including tuakana/teina relationships where senior students help junior students.

Te Puāwaitanga

Each ākonga/student has unique mana, integrity, qualities, skills, gifts, and abilities. The school nurtures the student as a seed in preparation for their continuing journey through life.

Te Tuakiritanga

Our ākonga/students value the unique cultural identity of every ākonga/student and their whānau/family.


Walking in the footsteps of Māui, our ākonga/learners will share a sense of fun, curiosity, creativity, and innovation, including Manahau to be happy, jubilant, cheerful, and well-balanced; Pākiki is to be inquisitive, inquiring, curious, questioning, analytical and probing; and Auaha to be creative and innovative.