Hakinakina / Sports
We are proud to offer a range of sporting opportunities to our learners.
At Winchester School Te Kura o Te Haonui, our aim is to ensure that every student, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds, feels welcome and valued in sports activities. We strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone can participate, develop their skills, and enjoy the benefits of teamwork and competition.
Around 6 weeks prior to sports starting, the sports coordinator will put the relevant information of upcoming sports registrations on our school facebook page, newsletter and weekly pānui.
Whānau will need to go onto Kindo to register their child/ren.
The sports coordinator will then create team lists and email these out once sports teams are finalised.
The sports coordinator will then hand out school sports uniforms, gear bags and forward weekly sports draws to teams.
Other sports we enter
Junior Touch Guy/Gal
Weetbix Tryathlon
Year 5/6 Road Race
Ki o Rahi
Rippa Rugby
- Smash Play Cricket
- Northern Cluster Swimming Sports
- Interschool Athletics, Cross Country and Triathalon
Sporting Code of Conduct for Players
Respect Everyone: Treat teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials kindly.
Be a Good Sport: Celebrate wins modestly and accept losses gracefully.
Work as a Team: Support your teammates and communicate openly.
Follow the Rules: Play fairly and stick to the game rules.
Stay Safe: Use equipment correctly and watch out for hazards.
Code of Conduct for Parents on the Sidelines
Encourage Positively: Cheer for all players and show support for the team.
Respect Coaches and Officials: Allow coaches to coach and officials to make decisions without interference.
Stay Calm: Model good sportsmanship by staying composed, win or lose.
Avoid Negative Comments: Refrain from making negative remarks about players or officials during the game.
Support Team Spirit: Foster a fun and inclusive environment for all players and families.