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Kōwhai team

The Kōwhai team is five Year 1 and 2 classes split into two smaller groups.

Kōwhai-Hapū Tahi: , Laureen King , Amanda Duckett , Karen Gilmore
Kōwhai-Hapū Rua: , Felicity Harper-Quayle , Ashleigh Purkiss , Marie Morgan

Both Hapū work collaboratively with a play base approach to learning. Learners move through three zones (Learning, Quiet and Play) as well as having some time with just their class.

There will also be times when the five classes come together as a whole team. The purpose of the Kōwhai team is to enable your child to make the best possible start to school with a focus on building good relationships (Whanaungatanga). This enables learners to feel safe, grow in confidence and continue to develop their understanding of the skills of a good learner.

The curriculum is described as a Foundation curriculum. This means there is a focus on Literacy and Mathematics, and other curricula is experienced through smaller units of work across the year.

Kōwhai team like opportunities to learn from others and welcome parents with expertise to come and share with us. We also do some learning outside of the kura like visiting Te Manawa.

We really appreciate parent help on these trips. We ask the our Kōwhai learners be collected from the classroom at the end of each day by a parent, older sibling or an organised adult.

kōwhai Team Teachers

Laureen King

​Kōwhai Team Leader
Room 1, Year 1 / 2
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Amanda Duckett

Room 2, Year 1 / 2
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Karen Gilmore

Room 6, Year 1 / 2
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Felicity Harper-Quayle

Room 7, Year 1/2
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Ashleigh Purkiss

Room 8, Year 1 / 2
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Marie Morgan

Room 9, Year 0
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