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Kapa Haka and Pasifika

Junior Waiata 

All Year 0 - 3 classes participate in Junior Waiata at 11:30am on Thursdays. Paula (Room 3), Laureen (Room 1), Felicity (Room 7) and Evelyn (Room 4) lead this with the help of Year 6 Te Ope Kura leaders. 

Te Ope Kura

Te Ope Kura is the name of our Year 4 - 6 Kapa Haka. We practise every Thursday at 12:15pm. 

This year the kaiako supporting Te Ope Kura are Aliza (Learning Support teacher), Whaea Paula (Room 4 classroom teacher), Pā Sio, Matthew Malama, Evelyn Perry and Nic. 


    Pasifika is available for Year 4 - 6 students. We practise every Thursday - Time TBC. 

    This year the kaiako supporting Pasifika are Pā Sio and Matthew Malama.


      Our ākonga/students will value healthy relationships and build strong bonds with each other and a sense of belonging through the shared experience of working and learning together with others.


      Uplifting the mana of fellow ākonga/students through kindness, generosity, support, caring and respect for others.

      Kotahitanga (Unity)

      Everyone working together for the benefit of all including tuakana/teina relationships where senior students help junior students.

      Te Puāwaitanga

      Each ākonga/student has unique mana, integrity, qualities, skills, gifts, and abilities. The school nurtures the student as a seed in preparation for their continuing journey through life.

      Te Tuakiritanga

      Our ākonga/students value the unique cultural identity of every ākonga/student and their whānau/family.


      Walking in the footsteps of Māui, our ākonga/learners will share a sense of fun, curiosity, creativity, and innovation, including Manahau to be happy, jubilant, cheerful, and well-balanced; Pākiki is to be inquisitive, inquiring, curious, questioning, analytical and probing; and Auaha to be creative and innovative.