Library Whare Pukapuka
Our school library is open 9-3:30 Mon-Fri during term time and our Resource Manager, Rebecca Meade, is available to help you from 11am on these days. Children visit the library with their class once a week and are able to use the library at break times and after school during the day.
As well as books and magazines the library offers games and other activities to do at lunchtime. The Library catalogue is also available online 24/7 and children can log onto their account to view their current issues and reserve new books. The Library website also keeps up to date with Library themes and events such as language weeks or Author displays.

Scholastic Book Club:
The Scholastic Book Club newsletter comes home twice a term with books available for purchasing. Every book you buy gains rewards for the school to help with Library book purchases.
You can order online at
Or you can use the order form on the back of the newsletter.
We also have a Scholastic Book Fair in the Library once a year for you to look at and purchase Scholastic books and products.
Winchester learners have
- Class visits once a week.
- Year 1 + 2 can borrow 2 books
- Years 3-6 can borrow 3 books
- Children can also visit the library during playtime and lunchtime and after school.
Library Website: Click on the link to access the website and then use your child’s borrower number as their username (no password needed).
If you want to know your child’s borrower number or have any other questions about the Library or Scholastic Book Club, please contact me by phone, email or in person after school.