Kauri Team
The Kauri Team focuses largely on leadership and continuing to foster their love of learning.
The Kauri Team focuses largely on leadership and continuing to foster their love of learning. This means we offer many opportunities to lead the school whether that be Kaitiaki of the Playground, Library, Te Ngā Here and/or Road Patrol. Year 6’s are also given many extra responsibilities to lead school assemblies, become camp leaders and lead our kapa haka group as a kaia.
We encourage and empower learning in the Kauri Team by offering extension in groups such as Lit Quiz, Mathex and Epro8 competitions. Every class has access to both iPads and Chromebooks where we design, create and collaborate through various apps and websites. The Kauri Team work really hard to create fun, exciting and engaging learning lessons and experiences and we believe it is incredibly important our akonga leave Winchester School with their love for learning still in tacts.
We are a busy team with a large number of events we attend throughout the year which we always require parent help for. Our highlight of the year is always our camp held at El Rancho in Waikanae for 3 days and 2 nights. Check out that sunset on the beach from a previous camp!
kauri Team Teachers

Sophie Lyall

Matthew Bolton

Hamish Mackay

Matt Murphy

Viv Storrier