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Tēnā tātou e te whānau,

Nau mai, haere mai ki a Winchester School Te Kura o Te Haonui, he kura maioha, he kura manahau, he kura whakamana tamariki.

I have been at Winchester School Te Kura o Te Haonui since 2020 as Deputy Principal, I won the tumuaki position in 2022. Prior to coming here I was a teaching team leader at Russell Street School and Across School Leader in the Palmerston North East Kāhui Ako.  I taught at Russell Street for ten years and prior that, I taught at Coley Street School, Foxton.

Our school mission statement is to be a welcoming environment that fosters creativity and life long learning: He kura maioha, he kura manahau, he kura whakamana tamariki. 

Our values guide us to be the best versions of ourselves through respectful positive relationships and high expectations.
Whanaungatanga - Positive Relationships
Manaakitanga - Care and Respect
Kotahitanga - Working together
Te Puāwaitanga - Personal Growth
Te Tuakiritanga - Identity
Māuitanga - Creativity, Innovation and Fun.

We have 4 Cs or 'Competencies' which are our 'Drivers of Learning'.  The 4C's focus on developing Confident, Creative, Connected, Communicators:
Taiohi Maia, Taiohi Auaha, Taiohi Takitini, Taiohi Atamai. 

Winchester School Te Kura o Te Haonui offers a well-rounded education and schooling experience. Students begin their time here in a play-based atmosphere where formal learning is introduced. Students are able to experience a range of academic, digital, cultural and sporting opportunities.

Our classrooms showcase a variety of learning and a strong feature is art work which is proudly displayed around our school. We are well resourced with spacious grounds, playgrounds, turf area and gardens including a native bush area.

Perhaps the most significant aspect of our school is the strong family atmosphere that reflects the wonderful community that makes up Winchester School Te Kura o Te Haonui.

If you are considering becoming part of our school community, please make contact with us at school to learn more about what is on offer. I look forward to meeting you and your child. 

Nic Mason
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Our ākonga/students will value healthy relationships and build strong bonds with each other and a sense of belonging through the shared experience of working and learning together with others.


Uplifting the mana of fellow ākonga/students through kindness, generosity, support, caring and respect for others.

Kotahitanga (Unity)

Everyone working together for the benefit of all including tuakana/teina relationships where senior students help junior students.

Te Puāwaitanga

Each ākonga/student has unique mana, integrity, qualities, skills, gifts, and abilities. The school nurtures the student as a seed in preparation for their continuing journey through life.

Te Tuakiritanga

Our ākonga/students value the unique cultural identity of every ākonga/student and their whānau/family.


Walking in the footsteps of Māui, our ākonga/learners will share a sense of fun, curiosity, creativity, and innovation, including Manahau to be happy, jubilant, cheerful, and well-balanced; Pākiki is to be inquisitive, inquiring, curious, questioning, analytical and probing; and Auaha to be creative and innovative.